
React, state management

Estoy trabajando en un proyecto en el que hacer prop drilling ya se esta saliendo de control, algunas notas y links que me estan ayudando a tomar una decisión sobre como resolver el problema de state management.

State Management In Next.js: alto nivel, sirve como introducción; al final NextJS es un framework y no incluye nada que nos permita manejar el estado de la aplicacion, algunas alternativas que mencionan: prop drilling, usar Context API, Jotai. Me gusto como resume las consideraciones de client-side fetching:

When requesting data from the client-side, it is important to be mindful of a few things:

  • the user’s network connection: avoid re-fetching data that is already available
  • what to do while waiting for the server response
  • how to handle when data is not available (server error, or no data)
  • how to recover if integration breaks (endpoint unavailable, resource changed, etc)

Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux) incluye algunos buenos puntos sobre Context y Redux, que son, como se diferencia y cuando usarlos.

Comparing Context and Redux

  • Context

    • Does not store or "manage" anything
    • Only works in React components
    • Passes down a single value, which could be anything (primitive, objects, classes, etc)
    • Allows reading that single value
    • Can be used to avoid prop-drilling
    • Does show the current context value for both Provider and Consumer components in the React DevTools but does not show any history of how that value changed over time
    • Updates consuming components when the context value changes, but with no way to skip updates
    • Does not include any mechanism for side effects - it's purely for rendering components
  • React+Redux

    • Stores and manages a single value (which is typically an object)
    • Works with any UI, including outside of React components
    • Allows reading that single value
    • Can be used to avoid prop-drilling
    • Can update the value via dispatching an action and running reducers
    • Has DevTools that show the history of all dispatched actions and state changes over time
    • Uses middleware to allow app code to trigger side effects
    • Allows components to subscribe to store updates, extract specific pieces of the store state, and only re-render when those values change

    Me gusto mucho esta parte sobre entender las herramientas

In order to use any tool correctly, it's critical to understand:

  • What its purpose is
  • What problems it's trying to solve
  • When and why it was originally created

It's also critical to understand what problems you are trying to solve in your own application right now, and pick the tools that solve your problem the best - not because someone else said you should use them, not because they’re popular, but because this is what works best for you in this particular situation.

Publicado el por José Leiva

Tags: React, Web